Welcome to Wild Thingz!
This is the home for your premiere fantasy football league. Here we will post news and information regarding the league and how best to play.
We have a 12 team league.
Draft is in snake format.
Points are scored Head to Head.
Welcome to Wild Thingz!
This is the home for Wild Thingz, your premiere fantasy football league. Here we will post news and information regarding the league and how best to play. We have a 12 team league. Draft is in snake format. Points are scored Head to Head.
The Players
- Steve Kim aka Redskins Revenge
- Kaleb Art aka Hulk Smash !!!
- Tom Strutz aka Mud Dogs
- Steve Ranieri aka HeHateSteve
- Nick Pickard aka NiCkS ChUbB
- Konrad Johnston aka ZAY MY NAME
- Steve Kelso aka Honky Kong
- Chris Rosen aka FuttBuckers
- Ryan Everett aka Patriot Games
- David Cooper aka COOPS
- Venus Ramos aka KC Masterpiece II
- John Hook aka Pigskinators
Contact Info
Click on their names to go to their Facebook pages
- Steve Kim aka Golden Raiders (Commissioner)
- Steve Ranieri aka HeHateSteve (Co-Commissioner)
- Steven Kelso aka Honky Kong
- Chris Rosen aka Futt Buckers (formerly the JBs)
- Venus Ramos aka KC Masterpiece II
- Kaleb Art aka Hulk Smash!!!
- Nick Pickard aka Shabby Doobillies
- Tom Strutz aka Big D
- Konrad Johnston aka Konrad CLIPPERHANDS
- David Cooper aka COOPS
- Ryan Everett aka Patriot Games
- John Hook aka TBD
Golden Rules
- THE RULES AND LEAGUE SETUP ARE CORRECT ON THIS WEBSITE. If at any time, the website and the yahoo configurations are not the same, we will always resort to the rules on the website.
- It is the responsibility of every player to check this website and review all of the league rules and settings. You can NOT use Yahoo as the final say. The rules on this website will always be the final say, not the other way around.
- If any mistakes are found mid-season (such as scoring system, trade deadline, playoff weeks, # of teams in the playoffs, etc) they will be corrected and the league will be notified.
- There will be no changing of the rules or league settings once the season has started. The only things that can change are SETTINGS THAT HAVE TO BE CORRECTED if they don’t match the website.
- If you have an issue, please contact Steve directly at (702) 427-9630
- There will be TWO (2) GroupMe Group Chats for this league. One for fun chat. The other strictly for rules and trade discussions.
- On any group chat, players are asked to have manners and not slander or curse out other people. If anyone personally insults anyone maliciously, they can be kicked out of chat and asked to not return the next season.
Schedule of Events 2024
- Last day to announce your keepers: Sunday May 5th, 2024 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
- Draft Day: Sunday July 14th, 2024 at 5pm PST (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
- In-season trades begin: After Draft
- TRADE DEADLINE (Last day to trade during the season): Saturday November 16, 2024 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
- The trade deadline is used to prevent teams from sandbagging their team at the end of the season by trading blue-chip players for average players. The trade deadline is only for trade transactions between teams. Owners are still free to add and drop players via free agency and waivers throughout the entire season.
- Championship Party: TBD
Draft Order 2024
- FuttBuckers
- KC Masterpiece
- HeHateSteve
- Zay My Name
- Redskins Revenge
- Pigskinators
- Honkey Kong
- Mud Dogs
- Patriot Games
- NiCkS ChUbB
- Hulk Smash !!!
Payments & Prizes
- The dues to play in this league are $100 per season.
- Payments can be made via Venmo (@skyfireusa), Cash App ($skyfireusa) or PayPal (steve @skyfireusa.com)
- (FOR 2023 ONLY) 10 Players are paying $100 and 2 players are paying $0 (taking over teams) = $1000 pool – $100 league mgnt = $900 in prizes
- The following are the prizes:
- 1st place $400
- 2nd place $200
- 3rd place $100
- Most points in the season $30
- WEEKLY CONTEST: Most points scored each week $10 (for 17 regular season games only)
- The player that finishes at the bottom must do a challenge that the league agrees upon. TBD
Regarding Keepers
- FOR 2022: You can keep up to 9 veteran players and 1 rookie
- FOR 2023: You can keep up to 10 veteran players, 2 defensive players and 1 rookie
- FOR 2024: You can keep up to 11 veteran players, 4 defensive players, 2 rookies and 1 kicker
- FOR 2025: You can keep up to 12 veteran players, 5 defensive players, 2 rookies and 1 kicker
- VETERAN = Any Player (Offense and Defense)
- Any players picked up on waivers last season are worth the 8th round pick to keep for the next season.
- Any players picked up as a free agent (not using waivers) last season are worth the 12th round pick to keep for the next season.
- You can trade during the off-season in order to finalize your keeper list
- The player you keep will retain the round that he was picked in
- Example: Bob drafts Alvin Kamara as a rookie in the 12th round. Two years later, Alvin is now valued at a first round pick. Steve can let Alvin go for anyone to draft or he can keep Alvin and it would only cost him his 12th round pick.
- Steve can spend his 12th round pick every year in order to keep Alvin.
- If you have two picks in the same round, you can choose which pick to use to keep a player.
- For example, you have round 4 pick 2 and round 4 pick 10. You can use round 4 pick 10 to keep a player and draft with the higher round 4 pick 2.
- During the off-season, it’s smart to swap picks with other players.
- For example, Steve has round 1 pick 3 and he’s using it to keep David Johnson. Paul has round 2 pick 2 and he’s using it to keep Travis Kelce. Steve has round 2 pick 12 and Paul has round 1 pick 10. Steve and Paul can swap their first and second round picks. They both can still keep their players (DJ and Kelce) but now they can pick at a higher order.
- If your players go down in value, obviously you probably don’t want to keep them as you could draft them later and at a lower pick.
- BE SMART AND DO NOT DROP EARLY ROUND DRAFT PLAYERS IF THEY HAVE A BAD START TO THE SEASON. If you’re not sure if it’s wise to drop someone, ask Steve K or Steve R. We want to prevent amateur mistakes.
Changes for 2022-2023 Season
We will start five defensive players (DT, DE, LB, DB, SAFETY)
Past Winners
2023 | Kaleb Art aka “Hulk Smash!!!” | Nick Pickard aka “NiCkS ChUbB” | Ryan Everett aka “Patriot Games” |
2022 | Kojo Manful aka “Blackstars” | Steve Kim aka “Saquon these Nuks” | Konrad Johnson aka “IT HURTS WHEN I WIN” |
2021 | Steve Ranieri aka “HeHateSteve” | Tom Strutz aka “Big D” | Kaleb Art aka “Hulk Smash !!!” |
2020 | Tom Strutz aka “Big D” | Nick Pickard aka “NiCkS ChUbB” | Venus Ramos aka “KC Masterpiece II” |
2019 | David Filipiak aka “New Empire” | Steve Ranieri aka “HeHateSteve” | Steve Kim aka “Golden Raiders” |
2018 | Steve Kim aka “Golden Raiders” | Nick Pickard aka “Shabby Doobillies” | Rob Huff aka “FBGM” |
2020 Weekly Winners Week 1 – Giny Pokers 194.98 |
2021 Weekly Winners Week 1 – Hulk Smash 253 |
2022 Weekly Winners Week 1 – Hulk Smash 214 |
2022 Weekly Winners Week 1 – COOPS 216 |
1-Up Rule (trading)
- When players make a trade, the trade is held for 24 hours (by yahoo) so that other players have time to “1-Up” if they want.
- If a trade is announced and no 1-up’s have been made, the trade automatically goes through 24 hours later.
- Example: Bob trades with Jim on Tuesday 9pm. No 1-up’s were made and the trade goes through on Wednesday 9pm.
- If a trade is 1-up’d, then the original player losing out has 24 hours to counter with a 1-up of their own.
- Example: Bob trades with Jim on Tuesday 9pm. On Wednesday 12pm, Sam makes an offer that Bob accepts. Jim now has until Thursday 12pm to make a better offer, otherwise the trade goes through.
- Trades must be done 48 hours prior to the start of a game if the teams want the traded players to play.
players to play in a game, the trade must go through 48 hours prior to gametime.
also trades will go through 24 hours later so not automatically.. this gives us time to cancel it if it’s 1-upped. 1-ups must go through the commissioner so he can manually make the adjustments.
Tuesday 8pm
Friday 8pm
Saturday 9pm 1up
Sunday 9am
How to Veto Bad Trades
If a trade is so bad and no one wants or can 1-up it, it can be brought up in group chat and the league can take a vote.
Please use trade analyzers and common sense when trading. We do NOT want any type of collusion or bad play to corrupt the integrity of our league. Thank you!
Welcome to Wild Thingz!
How to use GroupMe for League Chat and Posting Trades
League Scoring Settings
Don’t give up on drafted players too early
PLEASE NOTE: I do my best to maintain this site and the content. If you see any mistakes or if any information that seems off, please let me (Steve Kim) know!
Fair Play and Conduct
Free Standard and Custom League Rules
Although Fantasy Football is extremely competitive, we emphasize that all participants exercise good sportsmanship to prevent team owners from unintentionally crossing the line, and maintain a fun environment.
A: More than one team in the same league
- One person can’t control more than one team in the same league.
- If two or more teams in the same league are under the same account, they must be controlled by different people sharing that account, but not sharing the teams.
- Violation of this will lead to cancellation of the teams and expulsion from the game.
B: Collusive transactions
- Collusion occurs when one team makes moves to benefit another team, without trying to improve its own position.
- One-sided trades are an example of collusive transactions.
- Dropping a player so another team can pick up that player is another example of collusive transactions.
- Teams found in violation of this policy will be cancelled and their owners will be prohibited from participating in future Fantasy Games.
NOTE: League members are expected to veto/protest any and all unfair or collusive trades throughout the season.
C: Impeding Other Owners
- Making certain transactions to solely impede other owners is not allowed.
- Tanking games for the sole purpose of denying another player’s chance to make the playoffs is against the rules.
- Cycling through players in free agency to put them on waivers and make them unavailable to another team in your league is strictly prohibited, and is grounds for expulsion from the game.
D: Roster Dumping
- Owners that are found to have dumped their players to the player pool in attempt to undermine the league may be subject to expulsion from the game.
- If you are giving up on the season, we ask that you maintain league strength by providing the other owners with the most competitive team you are able to field.
E: Owner Interaction
- Owners should always be polite and gracious when dealing with one another.
- Threats and obscenities are against the rules and illegal in many jurisdictions.
- Owners that are found to have sent threatening emails to another owner will be warned and/or kicked out of the game completely.
- These rules extend to message board posts as well.
F: Offensive Posts
- Any posts, including league and team names, of a derogatory nature are strictly prohibited.
- This includes chat room, message board or on a league’s bulletin board.
- Personal attacks and sexist or racist remarks also fall under this restriction.
- There is zero tolerance level.
G: Inactivity
- In order to maintain the integrity of the league, the commissioner may contact owners of teams that remain inactive for extended periods of time.
- The league commissioner will send notification to the email of record.
- If the team remains inactive after the league commissioner sends an email to the inactive team owner, the commissioner reserves the right to reassign ownership of the inactive team.
Keeper League Rules
- In a keeper league you are allowed to retain as few players or as many players as the league manager selects, from the previous season, to remain on your roster for the upcoming season
- The round that the keeper is drafted is the round that they will be taken from in the following season. For example:
- 2018: You draft a RB in round 3 and decide to keep him for 2019.
- 2019: During the draft, you have to use your third round pick in order to keep the RB you chose as a keeper.
Trade Review
Trade Review Process
- There is a 48-hour trade review period after a trade is accepted, allowing team owners the chance to review a trade after it’s accepted
- If more than 40% of the league disagrees on a trade, a poll can be taken. If majority votes are against the trade then the trade is reversed.
Veto or Protest a Trade
The ability to veto a trade is available in order to prevent collusion in a league. There are two ways to veto a trade, and in League Manger Leagues, this setting can be changed by the League Manager at any time during the season:
- Every owner in your league has the power to cast a vote against a trade once one is accepted if they feel that it is unfair. As a team owner in the league you’ll be sent an email with detailed instructions on how to cast a vote – follow those steps and you’ll be all set. If enough votes are cast against the trade (6 or more out of 12) then it will be immediately canceled. Teams with more than one owner will only receive one vote
- If the votes are less than 6 out of 12, then the trade will go through.
- If the votes are 6 out of 12 (50/50), then the League Manager has the ultimate power to veto a trade or let it go through. The individual owners still have a voice however.
- They can submit their comments privately to the League Manager where the other owners can’t see them.
- They can state their argument over the Whatsapp Trade Talk line.
- If at any time a player wishes to challenge a trade that is rejected, he/she will be able to pay for an online arbitration.
- http://www.sportsjudge.com/sportsjudgeservices.html ? $10-15 per arbitration
- If 10 or more owners veto a trade then that trade is rejected and there is NO online arbitration option.
- If the rare scenario occurs where the setting is changed while a trade is pending approval, that trade will be grandfathered in to use the original setting that was in place when the trade was accepted
- In trades where three owners are involved, the # of trades required to challenge is reduced by one.
- In trades where four owners are involved, the # of trades required to challenge is reduced by two.
Trade Draft Picks
You are able to trade draft picks. This can be done on your phone and on the web.
Trade Draft Picks in a Keeper League
- Draft pick trades can be made as a swap of picks or as a combination of keepers and picks. Draft pick trades can only be done prior to the Keeper deadline for League Manager Leagues
- The Keeper deadline is determined by League Managers
- You are trading for an owner’s pick in a given round, not the pick itself
- If there’s no assurance that your League Manager won’t switch the draft order, it might be wise to avoid making such a trade. Otherwise that 2nd overall pick you thought you traded for could become the 10th pick just like that
Claim a Player Off Waivers
Waiver Overview
- Any player dropped by an owner will be placed on waivers for at least 48 hours
- Once that time has passed, they either clear waivers, meaning no one has claimed them, or they enter the free-agent pool
- The unclaimed players can now be picked up on a first-come, first-serve basis, without affecting your team’s waiver position
Free Agent Acquisition Budget (F.A.A.B.)
- Free Agent Auction Bidding – Teams will have a specific budget with which they can bid to make player acquisitions. All bids are processed after the league’s specified waiver period. If a team would like to add a player, that team will secretly bid an amount they are willing to pay. On the waiver process day, the team with the highest bid will be awarded the player, and the bid will be subtracted from that team’s budget. Players who are not claimed during bid processing become free agents available for first come, first serve style pickups.
Proposing and Accepting Trades
Propose Trade on the Web
- First, select which team you’d like to trade with
- Once on their team page, click on “Propose Trade”
- Select the player(s) you wish to receive
- Give up at least one player by selecting a player (or players) you wish to trade
- After the trade is submitted, the system will display a pending move on both your team’s and the other owner’s page
How to Accept a Trade
- If you’ve had a trade proposed to you, you can either accept or decline it
- The system will automatically cancel the trade offer within a specified number of days
- The entire league will be emailed so the other owners can review it and vote against it if the league rules dictate that
Accepting a Trade on the Web
- Navigate to your team’s home page
- Pending trade offers should appear in a gray box in the middle of your screen
- Click “review trade”
- Accept or decline the trade from this screen
Fantasy Football Acronyms
Below is a list of all the acronyms you may see while playing ESPN Fantasy Football:
Player Status
- IR = Injured Reserve
- O = Out
- Q = Questionable
Player Positions
- QB = Quarterback
- RB = Running Back
- WR = Wide Receiver
- TE = Tight End
- FLEX = Running Backs, Wide Receivers and Tight Ends can be used in this position
- D/ST = Defense and Special Teams
- K = Kicker
Season and Week Columns
- PRK = Position Rank
- PTS = Total Season Points
- AVG = Average Points Per Game
- LAST = Last Game Points
- PROJ = ESPN Projected Points for that Week
- OPRK = Opponent Rank
- %%ST = Percent Started
- %OWN = Percent Owned
- +/- = Change in Percent Owned
Editing Autopick Draft Strategy
Players can specify which position they wish to be drafted each round.
- The link for editing draft strategy can be found before the draft begins on your main team page by clicking on the “Edit Auto-Pick Strategy” link.
- On the edit page, each round of the draft is presented with a pulldown menu where you can select the position you want to draft.
- The default setting for all rounds is always “Best Available”. On this setting, the system will draft the highest remaining player from any position.
- If you change this to a particular position, such as tight end, the system will draft the highest available player from that particular position.
- There is also the option to set how many players at each position the system will draft to your team.
- This interface can be seen on the right side of the page in the ?Position Limits? table
- Set the minimum and maximum number of players you want the system to draft for each position.
- You can also draft by stat in any round. Select “receptions” from a list of standard stats and the system will select the best available player by all statistics but prioritize receptions.
- You can edit your draft strategy as often as you like until one hour before your scheduled draft time.
- This page is only available for leagues that use the Live Snake or Auto-Pick draft type.
Football News
On a windy cold Sunday, I was watching Red Zone on TV when I saw the Bills about to punt versus the Jets. I can’t believe Buffalo was only ahead 20 to 12 with a few minutes left. And then I watched #10 throw a football to Moore for the Texans. It was a crazy day as many teams were playing at the same time and it was hard to keep up with everything. Luckily I had a good draft party in Las Vegas so I drafted a good team to play with and have fun this season. I’ve been to a lot of draft parties but none was better than the time I played in the Wild Thingz Fantasy Football league.
It’s so exciting to watch the game and see these guys play in live action. The amount of hits their bodies takes is incredible. They must have to do so much therapy to recover from all the injuries they suffer in the games they play throughout the week. I think Justin Jefferson has a cool hairstyle and I wonder if he ever has his hair tugged by the pads inside his helmet. The Detroit Lions look like they’re playing for pride but should be taking for a better draft pick next year. The worst team in the NFL are the Houston Texans who will probably get the first draft pick next year. If you want to read a funny story about this, check out this article
It wasn’t for going to las vegas and having a draft party i don’t think many people would play fantasy football. Throwing an awesome draft party this is the most important part of playing fantasy football. Rest of the season is pretty simple and can be kind of boring as you only can trade or move players off waivers.
Quite a few people like to have entertainers at their parties. A good idea for a draft party is to have people serving food and drinks and maybe putting names on the board. And if you’re in Vegas than what’s better than having a risque draft party with exotic dancers who can give you lap dances at the end of the draft. Talk about a happy ending!